You love your home very much. It’s a safe haven for you and your family from the stresses of the outside world. And in return, you do your best to maintain it.
And yet one rainy night you notice that something is wrong. Your roof is leaking water into your home! You realize it’s been so long that it probably needs replacing by now.
Before you go to purchase new asphalt shingles, ask yourself if there is a better alternative. It’s possible that metal roofing might be a better option for your home.
Read on to learn the pros and cons of a metal roof.
Pro: Durability
The first reason you might get a metal roof is that they’re durable and long-lasting. Other roofs are going to be made out of asphalt, wood, or sometimes rubber. These roofs will need to be replaced approximately every fifteen to thirty years.
They aren’t nearly as durable as a metal roof either. If a major storm with heavy winds or snow comes through, this can rip shingles right off of your roof. This means you might even need to replace these roofs even sooner than the typical 15 years.
A metal roof doesn’t have such risks. The shingles will stay right where they are no matter how hard the wind blows. They won’t crack or break even under a thick blanket of snow.
This is why you can replace these roofs every fifty to seventy-five years instead. That’s almost double the thirty-year maximum that other roofs will need to be replaced by. This means you can sit back and feel confident that your roof won’t crack or leak for much longer than you would with other types of roofs.
It may be the very last roof you will need during your time in your home.
Pro: Sustainability
Asphalt roofs are a petroleum product. This means that they use a lot of fossil fuels to create. And it isn’t recyclable, so that means they just get thrown away when they’re replaced every fifteen to thirty years.
This means that nearly seven million people in the United States replace their asphalt roofs every year. This results in approximately twenty billion pounds of asphalt shingles being sent to landfills every year.
The good news is that metal roofs are much more sustainable and environmentally friendly. For one thing, metal is recyclable, so it doesn’t have to sit in landfills for years. And it’s not a petroleum product, so it doesn’t use as many fossil fuels.
And it can help with your home’s energy efficiency. The surfaces will reflect sunlight and heat during the summer months rather than absorb it, helping to keep your home cool during this time. Some homes will find their costs reduced by as much as twenty-five percent, meaning you’ll be able to recoup the initial investment on your new metal roof.
So a metal roof can help you save money and is a more sustainable alternative to asphalt shingles.
Con: Cost
Of course, the fact that it lasts a long time and is environmentally friendly will come at a cost. When you shop for new roofs, you’ll find this is meant literally. You’ll find that metal roofs are high priced compared to alternatives such as asphalt or wood.
This is ultimately going to vary based on the square footage of your roof. This will determine the amount of material that needs to be removed and replaced. The bigger your house, the more labor and materials you will need.
Having said that, the average cost to put a new asphalt roof on a typical home is going to range from $5,000 to $12,000. The national average cost is around $8,000. This may change based on the availability of materials and where you live.
A more high-maintenance wooden roof is going to cost even more. These will range between $16,000 and $27,000 to install. Unfortunately, these roofs are also more prone to fires.
And of course, metal roofs are going to have a wide range of prices depending on the material. Most people will spend between $5,000 and $15,000 to install one of these roofs. A copper roof can cost more than $25,000.
So expect to pay a high price for this investment.
Con: They Can Be Dented
It’s true that metal roofs are extremely durable and last for a long time. Metal roofs are generally very climate resistant. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t get damaged.
If you live in an area that frequently sees hail storms with large pieces of hail, then you might find your metal roof gets dented pretty badly. Even metal can’t resist such heavy abuse when it happens.
Plenty of events can dent a metal roof too. If you live around a lot of trees, a weak branch could fall on top of it. This could dent your roof just as much as a hail storm.
And if you find that you frequently get on your roof to clear leaves or other debris, then maybe this isn’t the right investment for you. Even walking on some metal roofs can be enough to dent them. You might consider consulting experts about what will and won’t dent your new roof before you commit to purchasing.
When a metal roof gets dented, it’s possible to repair it. But this can get expensive, especially when it needs repairs often. Therefore, it’s important to pay close attention when choosing material for your metal roof.
Get a Quote For Metal Roofing Today
If you’re looking for a new roof, then you might consider getting new metal roofing for your home. It’s more sustainable and durable than asphalt. And there are plenty of gorgeous options to choose from.
And the best place to get your new metal roof is here at Innovative Roofing. Our experts are here to help you pick the best materials and design for your roof, so you can be sure you have a high-quality roof that looks stunning on your home.
Get a free quote today and see how we can help you today.