Approximately 53% of homebuyers struggle to find the right property. Many of these buyers don’t take the time to make their current property their own with details like the right roof shingle color.
But, what is the right roof shingle color and how do you find it?
In this article, we discuss the details of finding the right roof color for your next roofing project. From dark vs light shingles to considering your local climate, we cover it all. Read on to make the process as easy as possible.
Review Your Roof Shingle Color Options
Before you start weighing all the different considerations involving your roof shingle color, you first need to consider the options available to you. While asphalt shingles are the most common, there are other options as well.
Dark vs Light Shingles
Check to see which shades are available for your roof color. Most types of shingles offer the choice between dark vs light shingles. This decision impacts how dramatic or subdued your house will look when finished.
Try Blends
If you’re having trouble deciding on a singular roof shingle color, blends are a compromise worth considering. These take two shingle colors and incorporate them into a single shingle. They add texture and dimension.
Consider Your Situation
After reviewing your options, it’s time to narrow down your choices to the shingle colors that work best for your situation. Your roof color needs vary depending on certain factors such as the color and size of your home.
Home Exterior Colors
Avoid a roof color that doesn’t complement the exterior of your home. It can make your house look disjointed and out of place. If you’ll be changing the color of your home in the near future, this isn’t as much of a concern.
Home Architecture
The design and architecture of your home can affect the best roof shingle color for it. While a classic home would look great with a blue or brown blend, it would look inconsistent with a Victorian-style home.
Size of Home
The size and layout of your home affect whether you should choose a dark roof or a light roof. Houses with multiple stories may prefer a more balanced look, which can be achieved with darker shingle colors.
Homes that are single-story or are especially wide may opt for a light roof. The light colors on a wide house prevent the roof from overpowering the rest of the building. Dark shingles help create balance for a tall house as well.
Local Climate
A dark roof absorbs heat while a light roof reflects it and both affect your energy bill. If you live in a hot climate, reflecting heat will keep energy costs low while you can lower your heating bill in cool climates by absorbing it.
Most people fail to consider the look of their neighborhood as a whole when choosing shingle colors, but it’s a factor that affects the value of your home. A polished, put-together neighborhood increases curb appeal.
When you choose colors that mismatch your neighbors, you’re more likely to stand out negatively. This can decrease your home value as a result. While you don’t have to match, you should try to complement their colors.
Homeowners Association
Before making a final decision on your roof color, make sure to review the guidelines from your Homeowners’ Association if you have one. You may even need to submit your color choices ahead of time for approval.
We recommend having a list of alternatives prepared in case your first choice is denied. Working with your HOA before making a selection avoids fines and other costly processes such as restarting the entire roofing process.
Set Your Goals
Once you’ve factored in your unique living situation, you need to set your goals for your roof shingle color. Consider what you want to accomplish with the result. This includes the style you want and the amount of attention.
Do you want to try something new or do you want to stick with what you have? Either way, you’ll want a stylish home that has a cohesive look. Consider creating a mood board to visualize the style you want.
While it’s important to blend into your neighborhood, that doesn’t mean you can’t find a positive way to stand out. The key is to find a balance between the two.
This is also the time to consider whether you want a bold look that’s more striking or something more subdued. For example, bright colors add a fun ‘pop’ of color to your home whereas neutrals create a calmer vibe.
Create a Color Palette
The process of trying to narrow your list of colors can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan or guidelines. The best way to avoid getting overwhelmed by all the different shingle colors is to create a color palette.
Start building your color palette by incorporating colors that already exist in your home. This includes the colors of your shutters, your siding/paint, and the trim. Find colors that coordinate with these and avoid those that don’t.
Contrast vs Complementary Colors
If you’re unfamiliar with creating color palettes, we recommend using a color wheel to help you identify contrasting and complementary shingle colors.
Contrasting colors are located on opposite sides of a color wheel whereas complementary colors are located next to each other. A color wheel creates intentional looks that are balanced, even among contrasting colors.
Remember Tones
Just because colors are complementary or the ‘right’ kind of contrasting, doesn’t mean they look great together. The reason why two complementary colors might look off is that the undertones don’t match.
Colors are found with undertones such as warm, cool, and neutral. While neutral colors work with any other tones, warm and cool tones can be jarring when put together.
Request a Sample
If you aren’t sure about your color selection, ask your contractor for a sample before making your final purchase. A sample lets you compare the actual shingle to your home to ensure it offers the look you want.
Choose the Right Roof Shingle Color
There is a lot to consider when it comes to choosing the right roof shingle color if you want a cohesive look. Start by considering what you have to work with and then factor in what you want.
Need help deciding or looking for a free estimate? Contact us today!